Soo Line Community Garden – Garden Policies

Uphold the terms of our permit with the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board

Plots can only be used for the production of food, flowers, and legal plants. The gardener must not sell their garden produce or use the garden plot to generate income.  Donations of produce to local food banks or soup kitchens are acceptable.

Adhere to organic growing practices

The Soo Line Community Garden is an organic garden. Do not use synthetic chemical pesticides or fertilizers,  including Miracle-Gro.  Do not knowingly purchase plants and seeds that have been treated with insecticides.  Be especially aware of any seeds or plants that have been treated with insecticides known as neonicotinoids.  Please check with your supplier or retailer if you are not sure if plants or seeds have been treated. 

Structure guidelines

All structures must be approved by the Soo Line Community Garden Grounds Committee.  Installation of any fencing, boards or other materials to enclose the individual garden plots will require consent from the Soo Line Community Garden board. Fencing that is less than 3 feet in height that does not significantly shade adjacent garden plots is pre-approved. Do not use treated or finished wood for framing or other materials that will introduce chemicals into the garden or your plot.  Use only organic, natural mulch in your plots. New installations of artificial materials such as plastic for mulch are not permitted, anywhere in the garden.  If you are not sure if something is allowed, please call the garden at 612-706-1425, before proceeding. 

Do not plant trees, shrubs, or plants that significantly shade

If it’s woody, and it’s perennial, it’s not allowed in individual plots.  Do not plant crops that significantly shade other plots. 

Do not bring in sand or gravel

Do not use sand or gravel as soil amendments.  These materials are nearly impossible to remove later, and the soil is already quite sandy and well-drained. 

Path Maintenance

Gardeners are responsible for maintaining the path adjacent to their plots. This means: that those with plots on the West side of the main path of the garden, are responsible for the path to the South and West of their plot, where that applies,  all the way to the next plot. Those with plots on the East side of the main path of the garden are responsible for the path to the South and East of their plot, where that applies, all the way to the next plot.

 “Maintaining” means keeping the path clear and weed-free. 

A wheelbarrow should be able to get through easily without having to push overhanging plants out of the way, at all times throughout the season. Wood chips can be applied, when available.

Unattended watering is not allowed

Please do not set up and leave a sprinkler running while you are away.  This practice wastes water and makes spigots unavailable for other gardeners.

Attend your plot while you are away

If you plan to take a vacation or be absent for longer than a week, make arrangements with other gardeners to look after your plot while you are away. 

Take care of supply shed and tools

Help keep the garden shed safe by keeping it free of clutter and returning tools properly. When you are finished with your work, please knock off excess dirt from tools, and return them to their proper location in the shed.  Neatly coil and hang hoses so they do not drip onto the shed floor.  

Make sure the shed is always locked.  

Community garden service work

Collectively, we are all responsible for the common areas of the garden.  To help maintain these areas, gardeners are required to participate in three workdays (for a minimum of 2 hours each workday; 6 hours total per plot, per season), or contribute an equivalent amount of appropriate volunteer labor on their own time. Workday credit is also given for work with an established common area team.  Please review the Soo Line Community Garden Work Requirement sheet, included in this package.

Adhere to deadlines and plot maintenance

In the spring, you must be tending your plot by May 15th.  If the types of plants you are growing must be planted later, make sure your plot is weeded and prepared for planting by this date.  You are responsible for your plot for the entire season.  Your plot should be kept free of weeds, and consistently harvested until the end of the growing season.  If you do not plan on returning to the Soo Line garden the following year, please remove all structures and unwanted materials. 


If you fail to follow the above guidelines, an assigned plot monitor will contact you, discuss the situation, make suggestions and give you a reasonable amount of time to correct the identified problem.  If you do not respond or follow through to correct the problem, your plot will be considered abandoned.  The Soo Line Community Garden board of directors maintains the right to reassign abandoned plots. A gardener who abandons their plot will not be eligible to return the following year. 

Gardeners who do not fulfill their work requirement for a season will not be eligible to return the following year. 


  1. The garden is intended to be a place of secure enjoyment for all.  As a participating gardener, I will follow respectful, considerate, friendly, and helpful behavior in my relations with my fellow gardeners.
  1. I will pick only my own crops unless given permission by the plot user.
  1. I will help and cooperate with general garden work at the Soo Line Community Garden.  I am responsible for my own clean-up of vegetative matter on workdays, as well as in my own individual plot.  I will take all litter and garbage with me when I leave the garden. 
  1. All structures must be approved by the Soo Line Community Garden Grounds Committee.  Installation of any fencing*, boards, or any other materials to enclose the individual garden plots will require consent from the Soo Line Community Garden Board.  *Fencing that is less than 3 feet in height that does not significantly shade adjacent garden plots is pre-approved. 
  1. If I have children, I will supervise them at all times. 
  1. Pets are permitted on the garden site but must be supervised/controlled at all times.  I am responsible for picking up after my pet.
  1. If I smoke, I will be mindful of smoking in the vicinity of other gardeners and visitors and will remove my cigarette butts from the garden. 
  1. I will promptly report any vandalism, theft, or other concerns to the Soo Line Community Garden Board.  Any damage to assigned plots shall be repaired by their respective gardeners in a timely manner.  
  1. Gardeners must abide by all applicable Soo Line Community Garden By-Laws.  The by-laws are available to review at
  1. All disputes between gardeners that are not able to be resolved by the individual members will be resolved by the Soo Line Community Garden Board. 
  1. I understand that the Soo Line Community Garden and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board are not responsible for my actions.
  1. I have read and agree to abide by the Garden Policies of the Soo Line Community Garden 

I have read and understand the above rules and requirements and agree with them as conditions of my membership in the garden.